The Essential Shopping Cart Features Customers Love

AgniCart's all-in-one ecommerce solution lets you easily create, manage and expand your store.


Responsive Website
Whether your customers are tapping on their phones or clicking on a desktop, our fully customizable themes adapt to any device.
Rich Content Editor
Our intuitive Easy Editor tool lets you make changes to your store on the fly: no backend coding required!
Custom Domain
Make your store your own and optimize it for sales with a custom domain that lets shoppers — and search engines — easily access your site
Product Category Pages
If you want to add subcategories, upload images, manage SEO or all of the above, we have the tools you need to customize products


Product Pages
Fully merchandise your products with multiple photos, videos and item details that brilliantly showcase everything that’s great about what you sell.
Process Orders
When the orders start rolling in, we’ve got your back. Agnicart lets you easily process site, phone and mobile orders, so you can go make more sales!
Gateway and Payment Processing
Get paid your way with credit cards, Amazon Pay, cash, wire payment, PayPal, Stripe, electronic checks and money orders!
Secure Checkout
Give your customers — and yourself! — peace of mind with our secure, PCI-certified checkout process.
Secure Site
Your store has a 99.9% uptime guarantee. Additionally, our SSL certificates ensure that your store is further protected — and Google-friendly.
Product Display Customization
Give shoppers the info they want with reviews, social sharing, availability notifications and a Recent History feature.
Related Products
Entice customers to buy more with our Related Products feature, which displays items related to previous purchases.
Take the stress out of inventory management with our easy-to-use system, which displays product status, tracks stock reorder quantity levels, provides quantity verification and sends low stock alarms.
Product Variant Pricing
Name your price: our Product Variant feature lets you set the amount you want on any item!
Store Management Mobile App
Take your store wherever you go with our free and easy mobile app and iOS app, which has all the tools you need to keep things running smoothly.
Instagram Feed
Show your Instagram content on your store to create social proof. Convert your store visitors into customers.


Powerful SEO
Easily manage all of your metadata — such as descriptions, title tags, URLs and more — to keep your pages, products and categories SEO-friendly.
Create Discounts
Keep your customers coming back for more by creating discounts with a custom start time, duration and percentage or dollar amount. Additionally, define code names and usages for discounts, and link them to specific products, categories or your store itself.
Admin Social Management
Link your social accounts to your store, and even post to Facebook from the comfort of your own admin.
Sell on Whatsapp
Expand your store to Whatsapp. Additionally, enjoy Facebook store management right from your Agnicart admin!



